by Chantelle | Dec 20, 2014 | Gluten-free, Grain-free, Paleo, Primal, Recipes, Seasonal, Sweets, Vegan | 0 Comments
Happy Solstice everyone! The longest night is upon us, and I think we’re all ready to welcome back the light. This time of year, for me, is all about inner reflection, looking back on the last years happenings. It’s an exciting time to realize the...
by Chantelle | Dec 19, 2014 | Entree, Gluten-free, Grain-free, Meat, Paleo, Recipes, whole30 | 0 Comments
This tender tomato beef stew is spiked with sweet dried apricots and delicate creamy squash. We love it as an alternative to the old classic beef stew. I’m not sure how traditional this stew is, I know that in Argentina they usually add a healthy glug of wine,...
by Chantelle | Dec 16, 2014 | Appetizers, Dairy, Primal, Recipes, Seasonal, Side dish, Soup | 2 Comments
French onion soup can’t come from a packet, it cannot be had by a chemical laden powder. It’s essence is steeped with time and a wack load of onions which all melt down to practically nothing. There’s a reason why it’s french, the slow...
by Chantelle | Dec 14, 2014 | Gluten-free, Grain-free, Paleo, Recipes, Sweets | 1 Comment
I adore cupcakes and I don’t think I’m alone. These precious parcels are totally grain free and incredibly moist, they are also beautiful to look at, which certainly doesn’t hurt. I’m glad this experiment worked out so well. I always try and...
by Chantelle | Dec 12, 2014 | Appetizers, Gluten-free, Grain-free, Primal, Recipes, Salads, Seasonal, Side dish, Vegetarian | 0 Comments
Those days when you wake up and realize the house is an absolute disaster, the plants are thirsty, the dust bunnies are about to come alive and yet all I want to do is cook and make more of a mess. The benefit of working in restaurants is you don’t usually...
by Chantelle | Dec 10, 2014 | Appetizers, Gluten-free, Grain-free, Paleo, Recipes, Soup | 0 Comments
So, I always tell people I live in the clouds, which is true in a symbolic way but also in a physical way. Every year around this time the clouds really start to envelop us, swallow us up into their dreamy wisps, transport us to the land of long sleeps and somber...
by Chantelle | Dec 8, 2014 | Appetizers, Gluten-free, Grain-free, Meat, Paleo, Recipes, Seasonal, whole30 | 2 Comments
We all know those people who are “meat and potatoes” kinda folks, my pops is one, so is my sister. These little bites are their kinda food, so if your throwing or attending holiday parties and you need to please everyone, these are your ticket to the...
by Chantelle | Dec 6, 2014 | Beverage, Breakfast, Paleo, Recipes | 4 Comments
Bold statement…I know, but you guys I think my version is better. It’s like how you always think your baby is the cutest and your incredibly shocked when you don’t win the Gerber contest…ahem. So what’s so good about my whizzed up cacao...
by Chantelle | Dec 5, 2014 | Articles, Condiment, Paleo, Raw, Recipes, Vegan | 1 Comment
It’s official folks, sauerkraut and other lacto/wild fermented/cultured veggies are officially more potent than expensive probiotic supplements. The benefits of making your own sauerkraut are huge! This humble and ancient food has never been so appealing,...
by Chantelle | Dec 2, 2014 | Breakfast, Gluten-free, Grain-free, Paleo, Recipes, whole30 | 1 Comment
These little chorizo spinach and sweet pepper egg muffins are for all those breakfast avoiders in your life. They’re easy to pack away for a few hours after wake up when hunger strikes. J is taking an early morning course this week so these were the perfect fuel for...