
I lurve pancakes. Especially banana pancakes a la Jack Johnson that fill you right up to the brim with good energy. Yeah, that kind.

Maple syrups great and all but I like my pancakes with berries, and to kick it up a notch, berries and coconut cream with a hint of vanilla. So good.

Today is the day we cut the top off the rug, sew it to the bottom and pretend we made it longer. Yes, daylight savings. It’s still light out at “7” and it definitely brings on the feeling of spring. We went for a sweet hike through the woods along the winding river trail cutting in and out of the suns rays. It was gorgeous and peaceful and fuelled by pancakes, the best fuel.

coconut flour banana pancakes with berries and cream

This is actually the first time Baby Mav ever had pancakes. He loved them! And he singularly plucked each berry and popped it in his mouth with anticipation of the burst of deliciousness. J said that I should make Mav pancakes every day, though I think secretly he just wants pancakes every day. Who doesn’t?

Coconut flour is a delicate creature, it soaks up moisture like nobodies business. That’s why when you go to fry the pancakes make sure you use enough oil or butter, it may seem like too much but its not. At least a tablespoon per 3 pancakes. Which is part of what makes these pancakes so energizing. Also if you’re avoiding sugar, it’s not crucial to add the honey, I think they’re great without it. Hope you all had a fantastic weekend and thanks for reading!

coconut flour banana pancakes with berries and cream

Coconut Flour Banana Pancakes with Berries + Cream
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 2
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 banana, mashed
  • 2 Tbs coconut oil
  • ⅓ C coconut flour
  • ¼ tsp sea salt
  • ¼ tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp honey
  • ½ tsp vanilla
  • 1 can coconut milk
  • 1 C fresh or frozen mixed berries
  • 2 Tbs coconut oil or ghee for frying
  1. In a small saucepan combine berries,vanilla and coconut milk, reserve ½ C coconut milk for pancakes. Heat on medium-low until berries have softened and the milk turns purple.
  2. Combine eggs, banana,coconut oil, honey and remaining coconut milk in a large bowl.
  3. Add coconut flour,salt and baking soda and mix well.
  4. Heat a large cast iron skillet or griddle, melt oil or ghee and drop about 1½ Tbs worth of batter per pancake onto skillet. Cook for about 2 minutes per side until nice and golden.
  5. Serve with warm berries and cream sauce and enjoy!

coconut flour banana pancakes with berries and cream

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